I respect Asians very much. They are often hardworking, intelligent, and family oriented. Historically, they were among the most highly civilized nations. Many times when speaking of her Vietnamese and Hmong friends, my sister mentions how level-headed they are compared to herself and her other friends. But what makes them that way? It seems to me it is often based on honour— honouring your family and culture. To disgrace your family's name is almost unspeakable. As Christians, what should govern us? I believe it is honour, too. God says, "Them that honour Me I will honour" 1 Samuel 2:30. What kept such great men like Joseph, Daniel, Nehemiah, and Paul— and above all, Jesus— so steadfast? Love for God, of course. But what would that love lead them to do? We honour and obey our parents when we love them. It is the same with God. Such men like Joseph and Daniel cared for God's honour— they wanted to rightly reflect His character to others because they loved Him. ...