Amy Carmichael and two little girls |
On another occasion, there was a little five year old saved from the evils of being a temple girl. Lala was a gentle girl, of a yielding disposition. Not long after she was rescued, though, the father gave them trouble. Friends telegraphed that he demanded her back. He was not a good man, and his actions were not prompted by love. But, nothing could be done- but praying. Moving as if in a dream, they prepared to send her back. Finally the bandy arrived, and they lifted her into it and gave her a doll and a packet of sweets. Giving final charges to the trusted workers who were taking her back to the hills, they sent the little girl off. They went back to their room, and asked that a great and good thing would be done for Lala. Her gentleness could now prove her ruin. Influences that had broken far stronger wills existed- and what of a young child's? They prayed she might be returned to them or else taken from the evil to come.
A week later, their workers returned without her, and they felt as if it were a hopeless case. But soon they received a letter from their friends in the hills. Lala had left in perfect health, but upon her return to the colder air of the hills, pneumonia had set in. The illness lasted but a few days, and she was gone. Although glad that she was now safe, they could only imagine her lonely, frightened and bewildered. They longed to know about her last hours. Their friends recorded the words of a Hindu woman that had been with her: "She said she was Jesus' child, and did not seem afraid. And she said that she saw three Shining Ones come into the room where she was lying, and she was comforted." They marveled. They had had such a short time with Lala, taught her all they could teach a five year old. To their knowledge, she hadn't even heard of the ministry of angels! Surely the truth fell on fertile ground!
One of the most amazing ones to me, is the story of a girl named Mimosa. Her sister, Arulai, was living at Dohnavur and sometimes she and her father would visit. On one visit, she heard of the love of GOD and how He made everything in the world. She understood that He loved her, and she took hold of it. She realized she could no longer smear Siva's ashes on her forehead- which caused a major uproar. She certainly did not grow into a sweet little saint at once- when she would refuse to put the ashes on her forehead, she would just shrug, or "talk-back". The subsequent beatings would often leave her in a less than saintly frame of mind. But, on some occasions she weakened and bowed to the idols. Through it all, GOD did not forsake her. She was inclined to activity and worked very hard her whole life. GOD provided for her when she was too weak to provide for herself. The Holy Spirit led her in miraculous ways. When she finally saw her sister, Arulai, after many years, she told her sister that she knew GOD through learning; while she knew GOD through suffering.
All of this- from mere words dropped here and there! May we never underestimate the value of our words, however passing, however small! Truly, "Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days." Ecclesiastes 11:1 Strangers, acquaintances, friends, even family, are influenced. Ah, the responsibility is so great!
"Those with whom we associate day by day need our help, our guidance. They may be in such a condition of mind that a word spoken in season will be as a nail in a sure place. Tomorrow some of these souls may be where we can never reach them again. What is our influence over these fellow travelers?
Every day of life is freighted with responsibilities which we must bear. Every day, our words and acts are making impressions upon those with whom we associate. How great the need that we set a watch upon our lips and guard carefully our steps! One reckless movement, one imprudent step, and the surging waves of some strong temptation may sweep a soul into the downward path. We cannot gather up the thoughts we have planted in human minds. If they have been evil, we may have set in motion a train of circumstances, a tide of evil, which we are powerless to stay.
On the other hand, if by our example we aid others in the development of good principles, we give them power to do good. In their turn they exert the same beneficial influence over others. Thus hundreds and thousands are helped by our unconscious influence. The true follower of Christ strengthens the good purposes of all with whom he comes in contact. Before and unbelieving, sin-loving world he reveals the power of GOD's grace and the perfection of His character." Prophets and Kings, pg. 348.
Oh, how often I have failed! But, we need not despair: "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Philippians 4:13. He will help us, so we may be able to say, "The Lord GOD hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary:", Isaiah 50:4. For it is "Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts." Zechariah 13:9. May we each endeavor to speak those little words, those words that shall speak life and peace and joy to our fellow men!
"How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!" Isaiah 52:7
"If any little word of mine may make a dark life brighter,
If any little song of mine may make a sad heart lighter,
God help me speak the helping word, and sweeten it with singing,
And drop it in some lonely vale, to set the echoes ringing."
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