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Showing posts from October, 2014

Go Farther

 Photo courtesy of:  In June, I had the opportunity to go Piedmont Valley Youth Bible Camp in Virginia with some friends. I was gone for about 11 days- the longest I ever remember being away from home, and definitely the longest without any family with me. We left at 5:00 am and drove the approximately 13 hours down- which was rather interesting. We started out on a Friday, stopped at a hotel and rested on the Sabbath, and were on our way again on Sunday. We arrived safely at camp, without incident. I had a great time! I slept in a tent for the first time. 10 people were in my unit- 2 counselors and 8 girls. 5 of us were in one tent... so we were squished together like a can of sardines. We were told we had 2 1/2 minutes to take showers. Then there was Line-call, every day, four times a day. The food was good. Chinese class was interesting. Don't forget morning exercises with Mr. Shen... ...

All That Pass By, To Jesus Draw Near

  All that pass by, To Jesus draw near, He utters a cry, Ye sinners, give ear! From hell to retrieve you He spreads out his hands; Now, now to receive you, He graciously stands. If any man thirst, And happy would be, The vilest and worst May come unto me, May drink of my Spirit, Excepted is none, Lay claim to my merit, And take for his own. Whoever receives The life-giving word, In Jesus believes, His God and his Lord, In him a pure river Of life shall arise, Shall in the believer Spring up to the skies. My God and my Lord! Thy call I obey, My soul on thy word Of promise I stay, Thy kind invitation I gladly embrace, Athirst for salvation, Salvation by grace. O hasten the hour! Send down from above The Spirit of power, Of health, and of love, Of filial fear, Of knowledge and grace, Of wisdom and prayer, Of joy and of praise; The Spirit of faith, Of faith in thy blood, Which saves us from wrath, And brings us to God, Removes the huge mountain Of indwelli...

Quiet, LORD, My Froward Heart

Quiet, LORD, my froward heart, Make me teachable and mild; Upright, simple, free from art, Make me as a weaned child; From distrust and envy free, Pleased with all that pleaseth Thee. What Thou shalt to-day provide, Let me as a child receive; What to-morrow may betide, Calmly to thy wisdom leave: 'Tis enough that Thou wilt care; Why should I the burden bear? As a little child relies On a care beyond his own; Knows he's neither strong nor wise; Fears to stir a step alone; Let me thus with Thee abide, As my Father, Guard, and Guide.   -John Newton